Do You Know? – 43.1% of all websites on the internet are built on WordPress, according to data from W3Techs.

WordPress is one of the most popular and powerful website development platforms in the world. It is used by millions of websites, from personal blogs to e-commerce stores, from online portfolios to business websites, and more. WordPress is flexible, versatile, and adaptable to any type of website you want to create.

It is also secure, robust, and feature-rich, offering a unique and seamless experience to your users. But how do you create a WordPress website that works for you? How do you choose the best WordPress site ideas for your project? How do you find the best WordPress development company to help you with your project?

In this post, we will answer these questions and more. We will show you top 10 WordPress website ideas that will surely work for you in 2024. We will also show you why you should choose Best Remote Team as your WordPress development partner.

What is WordPress?

Before we dive into the WordPress website ideas, let’s briefly explain what WordPress is and why it is so popular:

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and manage your website content easily.

  • You can create content in the back end and WordPress will display it in a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface to your audience.
  • WordPress has thousands of free and paid themes and plugins that you can use to customize your website according to your needs and preferences.
  • You can also add various features and functionalities to your website, such as forms, payment gateways, social media integration, analytics, and more.

What’s New WordPress 6.3? [Highlights]

  1. Enhanced editing experience.
  2. Significant technical changes in the Site Editor.
  3. New exploration of block themes and editor utilization.
  4. Improved navigation features.
  5. Introduction of a distraction-free mode.
  6. Previews of block themes.
  7. Revisions for styles and templates.
  8. Addition of a new Command palette.
  9. Many other new features and improvements.

10 WordPress Website Ideas That Will Surely Work for You in 2024

Now that you know what WordPress is and how it works, let’s look at some of the best WordPress website ideas that you can explore for your project. Whether you want to create a custom wordpress website for personal or professional purposes, for education or entertainment, for-profit or passion, there is a WordPress website idea for you.

Here are 10 of them:

#1) Blog or Personal Website

personal portfolio wordpress website examples

One of the most common and popular WordPress website ideas is a blog or personal website.

WordPress was originally created for blogging, so it is perfect for this purpose. You can create a blog or personal website to share your thoughts, opinions, stories, experiences, hobbies, interests, or anything else that you are passionate about.

You can also create a personal website to showcase your credentials, achievements, portfolio, resume, or anything else that you want to present to the world.

WordPress allows you to customize your blog or personal website with various themes and plugins. You can also monetize your blog or personal website with ads, affiliate links, sponsorships, or donations.

#2) Business Website

wordpress business website examples

Another great WordPress website idea is a business website.

Whether you have a small or large business, an online or offline business, a product-based or service-based business, or any other type of business, you can create a professional and impressive business website with WordPress.

You can create a business website to promote your brand, products, services, values, mission, vision, goals, or anything else that you want to communicate to your customers.

You can also create a business website to generate leads, sales, conversions, revenue, or anything else that you want to achieve with your business.

WordPress allows you to create a secure, functional, and high-end business website with various themes and plugins.

You can also integrate various features and functionalities into your business website, such as contact forms, payment gateways, booking systems, testimonials, reviews, or anything else that you need for your business.

#3 )Personal Portfolio

personal portfolio wordpress website examples

If you are a freelancer, artist, designer, developer, photographer, writer, or any other type of creative professional who wants to showcase your work online to potential clients or employers,

you can create a personal portfolio website with WordPress.

You can create a personal portfolio website to display your case studies, previous works, samples, awards, or anything else that demonstrates your skills and expertise.

You can also create a personal portfolio website to attract new opportunities, network with other professionals, or build your personal brand.

WordPress allows you to create a stunning and elegant personal portfolio website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your personal portfolio website, such as galleries, sliders, videos, animations, or anything else that enhances your portfolio.

#4) Podcast Website

wordpress podcast website examples

Podcasts are one of the hottest trends in the digital world right now. People love to listen to podcasts on various topics, such as news, stories, education, entertainment, or anything else that interests them.

You can create a podcast website with WordPress if you want to start your own podcast show or channel.

You can create a podcast website to share your audio content with your audience, grow your listenership, or monetize your podcast.

WordPress allows you to create a user-friendly and engaging podcast website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your podcast website, such as audio players,

subscription forms, social media integration, analytics, or anything else that you need for your podcast.

#5) Online Store

online store wordpress website examples

E-commerce is one of the most profitable and booming industries in the world right now, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you have something to sell online, whether it is a physical or digital product, a service or a subscription, or anything else that you can offer to your customers, you can create an online store with WordPress.

You can create an online store to sell your products or services online, reach a wider market, or generate more revenue.

WordPress allows you to create a powerful and flexible online store with WooCommerce, a WordPress-powered e-commerce platform.

You can also customize your online store with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your online store, such as product catalogs, shopping carts, checkout systems, payment gateways, shipping options, or anything else that you need for your online store.

#6) Drop-Shipping Website

dropshipping wordpress website examples

Dropshipping is a type of e-commerce business model where you sell products online without having to deal with inventory management, stock management, or shipping and delivery.

You simply act as a middleman between the customers and the suppliers.

When a customer places an order on your website, you forward it to the supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer.

You earn a profit by charging a higher price than the supplier.

You can create a dropshipping website with WordPress if you want to start a low-cost and low-risk e-commerce business.

You can create a dropshipping website to sell a wide range of products online without having to worry about inventory, stock, or shipping issues.

WordPress allows you to create an easy and fast dropshipping website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your dropshipping website, such as product feeds, order tracking, customer service, or anything else that you need for your dropshipping business.

#7) Affiliate Website

affiliate marketing wordpress website examples

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and lucrative ways to make money online.

Affiliate marketing is a type of referral marketing where you promote other people’s products or services on your website and earn a commission when someone buys them through your referral link.

You can create an affiliate website with WordPress if you want to start an online business that does not require much investment or maintenance.

You can create an affiliate website to promote various products or services from different niches or categories that you are interested in or knowledgeable about.

WordPress allows you to create an effective and profitable affiliate website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your affiliate website, such as product reviews, comparison tables, coupons, banners, or anything else that helps you generate more sales.

#8) Coupons Website

coupon wordpress website examples

Coupons are one of the most sought-after things by online shoppers who want to save money on their purchases.

Coupons are codes or vouchers that offer discounts or deals on various products or services from popular brands or websites.

You can create a coupon website with WordPress if you want to help online shoppers find the best deals and coupons online.

You can create a coupon website to facilitate deals and coupons for various products or services from different niches or categories that you are interested in or knowledgeable about.

WordPress allows you to create a user-friendly and attractive coupon website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your coupon website, such as coupon feeds, search filters, ratings, comments, or anything else that helps you provide value to your users.

#9) Online Marketplace

marketplace wordpress website

An online marketplace is a type of e-commerce website that allows multiple sellers to sell their products or services on a single platform.

Customers can visit the online marketplace and buy products or services from different sellers easily and conveniently.

You can create an online marketplace with WordPress if you want to start an e-commerce business that does not require much inventory or stock management.

You can create an online marketplace to allow multiple sellers to sell their products or services on your platform and earn a commission for each sale that happens through your platform.

WordPress allows you to create a powerful and flexible online marketplace website with various themes and plugins.

You can also add various features and functionalities to your online marketplace, such as product catalogs, shopping carts, checkout systems, payment gateways, shipping options, ratings, reviews, or anything else that you need for your online marketplace.

#10) Reviews Website

wordpress reviews website

Reviews are one of the most influential factors that affect the buying decisions of online shoppers who want to know more about the products or services they are interested in buying.

Reviews are feedback or opinions from previous customers or users who have bought or used the products or services before.

You can create a reviews website with WordPress if you want to help online shoppers make informed buying decisions by providing them with honest and unbiased reviews of various products or services.

You can create a reviews website to cover a specific niche or category, such as books, movies, gadgets, software, or anything else that you are interested in or knowledgeable about.

WordPress allows you to create a user-friendly and trustworthy review website with various themes and plugins. You can also add various features and functionalities to your reviews website, such as rating systems, comments, testimonials, pros and cons, or anything else that helps you provide value to your users. You can also monetize your reviews website with ads, affiliate links, sponsorships, or donations.

Top WordPress Trends to Keep in Mind in 2024

WordPress is also constantly evolving and improving, with new trends and features emerging every year.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and create a WordPress website that works for you in 2024, you need to keep in mind some of the top WordPress trends that will shape the future of web development.

top wordpress trends to keep in mind in 2024

Here are some of them:

#1) Integration of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most disruptive and innovative technologies that is transforming various industries and domains, including web development.

AI can help you create a smarter, faster, and more personalized WordPress website that can enhance your user experience and performance.

For example, you can use AI to analyze your user behavior and preferences, optimize your content and SEO, generate leads and conversions, provide customer support and chatbots, or automate various tasks and processes.

You can integrate AI into your WordPress website with various plugins and tools, such as Jetpack, Akismet, WPForms, or Elementor.

#2) Green Web Design

Green web design is a trend that aims to reduce the environmental impact of web development and hosting.

It is based on the principle of sustainability and eco-friendliness, which means using less energy, resources, and emissions to create and run a website.

Green web design can help you create a WordPress website that is not only good for the planet but also good for your business.

For example, you can use green web design to improve your website speed, performance, security, SEO, reputation, or social responsibility.

You can implement green web design into your WordPress website with various strategies and practices, such as choosing a green web host, optimizing your images and code, using caching and CDN, or minimizing your plugins and themes.

#3) Better Security

Security is one of the most important and challenging aspects of web development.

It is essential to protect your WordPress website from various threats and attacks, such as hackers, malware, spam, or data breaches.

Security can help you create a WordPress website that is safe, reliable, and trustworthy for your users and yourself.

For example, you can use security to prevent unauthorized access or damage to your website data or content, to comply with various laws and regulations, or to enhance your user confidence and loyalty.

You can improve your WordPress website security with various measures and tools, such as updating your WordPress core, plugins, and themes regularly, using strong passwords and SSL certificates, installing security plugins such as Wordfence or Sucuri, or backing up your website data frequently.

#4) Inclusive Websites

Inclusive websites are designed and developed to be accessible, usable, and enjoyable for all types of users, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, preferences, or backgrounds.

Inclusive websites are based on the principle of diversity and equality,

which means respecting and accommodating the needs and rights of every user.

Inclusive websites can help you create a WordPress website that is not only ethical and responsible but also beneficial for your business.

For example, you can use inclusive websites to improve your user satisfaction, engagement, and retention, to expand your reach and audience, or to boost your SEO and ranking.

You can create inclusive websites with WordPress by following various guidelines and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), using accessibility plugins such as WP Accessibility or Accessibility Widget, or testing your website with various tools such as WAVE or Lighthouse.

#5) Multilingual Plugins

Multilingual plugins are that allow you to create a WordPress website that supports multiple languages.

Multilingual plugins can help you create a WordPress website that is more global, diverse, and inclusive for your users.

For example, you can use multilingual plugins to reach more potential customers from different countries or regions, to cater to the preferences and needs of different users, or to improve your SEO and ranking in different markets.

You can create a multilingual WordPress website with various plugins such as WPML, Polylang, or TranslatePress.

#6) Dark Mode

Dark mode is a trend that allows you to switch the color scheme of your WordPress website from light to dark.

Dark mode can help you create a WordPress website that is more modern, stylish, and comfortable for your users.

For example, you can use dark mode to reduce eye strain and fatigue for your users who browse your website in low-light conditions, to save battery life for your users who use mobile devices, or to enhance the contrast and readability of your website content.

You can enable dark mode on your WordPress website with various plugins such as WP Dark Mode or Dark Mode for WP Dashboard.

#7) Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization is a trend that allows you to optimize your WordPress website for voice search queries.

Voice search is becoming more popular and convenient, especially with the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants.

According to a report by Juniper Research, voice-based ad revenue could reach $19.4 billion by 2023, rising from just $4.6 billion in 2021.

Therefore, optimizing your WordPress website for voice search can help you reach more potential customers and improve your ranking on search engines.

To optimize your WordPress website for voice search, you can use various plugins and tools such as Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or WPForms.

You can also follow some best practices such as using natural language, long-tail keywords, schema markup, and FAQ pages.

#8) Multilingual Support in WordPress

Multilingual support in WordPress is a trend that allows you to create a WordPress website that supports multiple languages natively.

Multilingual support in WordPress can help you create a WordPress website that is more global, diverse, and inclusive for your users.

For example, you can use multilingual support in WordPress to reach more potential customers from different countries or regions, to cater to the preferences and needs of different users, or to improve your SEO and ranking in different markets.

You can create a multilingual WordPress website with native WordPress features such as the site language, the language switcher, or the language packs.

You can also use the Gutenberg editor to create multilingual content easily and efficiently.

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WordPress is a powerful website development platform that can help you create any type of website you want. Whether you want to create a blog, a business website, a personal portfolio, a podcast website, an online store, a drop shipping website, an affiliate website, a coupon website, an online marketplace, or a reviews website, WordPress can help you do it easily and effectively.

But how do you find the best-certified team to help you with your WordPress website development project?

The answer is simple: you choose Best Remote Team.

Best Remote Team is the best WordPress development company in India that can help you create a WordPress website that works for you.

Best Remote Team has a team of dedicated WordPress developers who have more than 5 years of experience in WordPress development.

  • They can help you design and develop a WordPress website that meets your needs and goals.
  • They can also help you customize your WordPress website with various themes and plugins.
  • They can also help you integrate various features and functionalities into your WordPress website, such as forms, payment gateways, social media integration, analytics, and more.

Best Remote Team can also help you test and deploy your WordPress website on the platforms of your choice. They can also help you with ongoing support and maintenance, including tasks like:

  • Regular backups
  • Updates and security patches
  • Performance optimization
  • Broken link checks
  • Spam prevention

Best Remote Team offers comprehensive WordPress website maintenance services. This can be a valuable addition to attracting potential clients who are looking for a one-stop solution for their WordPress needs.

Best Remote Team is the best choice for you if you want to create a WordPress website that works for you. Contact us today and get started on your WordPress website development project with Best Remote Team.


Jatin Savaliya

Content Marketing Specialist

I'm working with Best Remote Team, which is an India-based company that provides dedicated remote developers on an hourly and monthly basis. I'm a tech enthusiast and write content to give readers the lowdown on different technologies and their related trends.

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