Do you know that 97.7% of websites across the world use JavaScript? Famous web apps and websites like Microsoft, Netflix, PayPal, and more are also developed on JavaScript. The web development industry is not limited to any one platform or tool, it keeps on evolving with the trends and user needs. Typescript has been the new trend in today’s market and developers are already using it to make their coding stuff easier.
However, the landscape is full of languages that developers love. This statistic introduces you to the top languages developers prefer (Statista).
JavaScript has been ruling the world of programming languages. Developers love it and often use it to deliver capable solutions. However, TypeScript seems to be following on close heels. At least 34% of developers use TypeScript.
This programming language was developed to help developers build complex and robust applications. TypeScript is a language developed over JavaScript. The inability of JavaScript to handle complex coding led to the development of TypeScript. However, the two are very similar in many ways.
This article includes a detailed comparison of Typescript vs JavaScript and various other aspects. You must explore till the end if you are into JavaScript development.
TypeScript: An Overview of the Programming Language
Microsoft developed this scripting language. It is an open-source and object-oriented language developed to incorporate optional typing methods. It is not a dynamically compiled programming language. However, it can be used to build server and client-side applications. You can also use this language in sync with JavaScript.
This language is a superset of JavaScript, making application development easier. You can use the TypeScript compiler to run and debug the application. This scripting language can support definition files, and you can use the type information to create new project files. TypeScript can overcome the shortcomings expressed by JavaScript, which can enable better coding solutions.
Why Do We Need to Use Typescript?
Error detection is one of the important parts of development, thankfully Typescript fulfills this aspect and allows us to write more effective and maintainable code. Stateofjs survey found that over 28% of developers prefer to use Typescript for their all-time development while 11.1% choose JavaScript as their go-to platform.
Typescript has become the go-to choice for developers for small and large development projects because of its early error-catching functionality. You can simply guide the compiler for what type of data your code should include like numbers, strings, or objects and it will catch errors accordingly hence making your code easy and clearly readable.
And there are also other plus points, it also provides useful tools like auto-completion and refactoring which enhance developers’ productivity and reduce the chances of bugs.
Is Typescript Suitable for Frontend or Backend?
Javascript is derived from Typescript hence it can be used for both front-end and back-end development. For front-end development, Typescript easily works with popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, and for back-end development, you can use Typescript with Node.js to write scalable and maintain server-side code.
Overall, Typescript offers seamless collaboration between front-end and back-end teams, making it the best fit for full-stack developers.
Types of Typescript
You might think types mean categories or versions in Typescript but in Typescript, the concept is a little bit different. Here type means properties or labels and every Typescript consists of some value that is used for analyzing code and finding bugs in the code.
Typescript types can be classified into three categories:
Static types refer to compile time or without running a program means types are checked before running the program. The compiler uses variables, parameters, and objects for type checking.
Statics types can be divided into sub-categories that are Built-in/primitive types and user-defined. Built-in Typescript includes five datatypes that are number, void, string, boolean, and null.
The number represents a numeric value, it can be either integer, fraction, binary, decimal, etc.
The string represents textual data with single or double quotations (e.g., “hello”).
Boolean has only two values: true/false. It represents true if the condition is true and false if the condition is wrong.
A void does not return any value. You can assign a null or undefined value to it.
Null and void are almost similar, you just need to define the NULL keyword to define a null type.
User-defined types include array, class, touple, enum, interface, and functions.
The array is a collection of items of the same type.
The class helps to create objects with properties and methods.
A tuple is basically an array and includes two different sets of different types.
Enum helps to define a set of named constants, it can be string or numeric.
The interface is used to define the syntax for classes.
Functions are a logical block of code used to declare and organize programs.
Generic Typescript helps to create components that can be reusable with various data types. It allows to scale the code in the future as needed.. On the other side, decorators are a kind of special data type that can be included with the class declaration, method, or any property.
In addition, intersections and unions are used to create custom types using specific logic. Intersection type allows to combine various types into one and union can be one of the several Typescripts.
Top 5 Key Features of TypeScript
Here are all the features that make TypeScript a must-use language for your website or web application.
1. Type Inference
You can automatically detect the expression type in a formal language. It helps enhance the speed of coding.
2. DOM Manipulation
This allows you to manipulate the real DOM to add or remove elements from the app without impacting the application.
3. Portable Scripting Language
One of the major features is that this is a portable language. You can quickly move it across devices, browsers, and operating systems. It makes it easier to operate and execute programs with this scripting language
4. Static Typing Language
This means the application can easily infer the class or type of the elements, even when they are not described.
5. Compatible with JavaScript:
It can efficiently work along and move with the JavaScript libraries. You can use the elements within the JavaScript code to make your app idea a reality.
Check out the Pros and Cons of TypeScript App Development:
You will know when you enter an unwarranted code or wrong syntax while working on the code.
The typing system is slightly complicated and complex. It comes with a steep learning curve.
Enhances code management abilities for better coding solutions.
You will need to compile the code separately to ensure smooth running and better debugging.
With TypeScript, you can quickly introduce the developers to the coding system and bring them to speed with the application.
You rely on auto-typing and scripting, so you may not look at all the security problems you will likely face.
It is a popular programming language that several developers use. It has a growing community that supports the development.
JavaScript: An Overview of the Programming Language
JavaScript is one of the fundamental programming languages offering dynamic scripting to developers. It is the basis for several other frameworks and programming languages. With an extensive library and numerous developers supporting the vision, JavaScript is the future of web and mobile app development.
It was devised to build client-side applications; however, several businesses have also been using the scripting language to produce server-side applications. It is a high-level and JIT-compiled language that supports many websites and web applications. It is, again object-oriented and prototype-driven application development language. It is a multi-paradigm language that supports event-driven functionality. It can help with networking and storage as well as I/O functions. They also have engines that help with runtime compilation.
Top 6 Key Features JavaScript
Let’s look at all the key features that make this programming language a winner.
1. Lightweight
This is a light programming language, which means the code is converted into byte-sized during runtime. It will increase the efficiency of the systems.
2. Functional Programming Support
You can assign a function to another argument or use the function to call by reference within the programming.
3. Dynamic Typing
This feature extends the efficiency of the programmer. You can easily attach values to the different variables used in the program.
4. Platform Agnostic
You are not dependent on browsers or operating systems to develop the applications. It can be built and accessed via all platforms.
5. Prototype-Based
You will use the application’s prototypes to build the program. This replaces the classes used in application development.
6. Interpreted Language
Each line within the program is processed and compiled during the runtime.
Check out the Pros and Cons of JavaScript:
As it is a lightweight and interpreted language, you will notice that it impacts the speed of the application.
Every browser interprets the language and codes differently, thus producing different results. This can impact customer experience.
It has a low learning curve and is easy to learn. Even new developers can get started with this language.
Fewer debugging editors can help with eradicating the bugs.
It can efficiently operate with other frameworks and programming languages, thus enhancing application development.
This programming language supports single inheritance, which can be difficult for certain use cases.
Data validation occurs on the browser instead of the server. This reduces the server load.
The bitwise functions can be sluggish, impacting the performance.
With time, JavaScript is used for server and client-side development.
You can reduce the code length with JavaScript, thus reducing the overhead.
Head-to-Head Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript
Here’s an in-depth comparison of the two programming languages and how they will help.
Why Migrate Your Project to Typescript?
Migrating your project to Typescript has numerous benefits especially if you are dealing with large projects, complex codebase, and has growing development requirements. Migrating to Typescript is the best option if your project needs long-term maintenance and future updates.
Typescript’s static typing catches errors at the early stage of development to reduce bugs and ensure high-quality code. It improves code readability by providing clear type definitions, hence it is easy to understand for the team and collaborate within the project.
The best part is Typescript also supports modern JavaScript features hence you can use your Java codebase as it is.
When to use TypeScript over JavaScript?
When you are developing a small-scale project, MVP, prototype, or a slightly medium-complexity application, JavaScript can help. However, if you plan an extensive application with greater complexities, you might want to move to TypeScript. The inferencing, static typing and other features that enhance the efficiencies can extend better support. With large-scale apps, you must be more accurate and determine solid support. It should be devoid of any issues and bugs. TypeScript ensures better compilation support and wins in this segment.
There are many benefits of using Typescript over Javascript. They are as follows:
Static typing: It helps to catch errors during compilation.
Improved code quality: it makes code more neat and clean with explicit type definitions hence making it easier for teams to understand.
Enhanced tooling: Typescript includes many powerful tools like autocompletion, type checking, and intelligent refactoring to speed up development.
Better IDE support: Typescript can be easily integrated with modern IDEs and allows developers to use modern javascript features.
Easy refactoring: code refactoring is much easier and there are fewer chances of code bugs.
Disadvantages of using Typescript over JavaScript
There are also some minus points of using Typescript over javascript:
You need to be good at javascript coding to use Typescript static typing and syntax otherwise it can be challenging to learn, especially for beginners.
If you are using Typescript for small projects, it can be time-consuming due to the need for type definitions and interfaces.
You need to configure tools and environments when setting up Typescript into existing JavaScript projects.
Sometimes you might need to write your own declaration incase if third-party libraries don’t support Typescript.
Will Typescript Replace JavaScript?
Typescript is getting popular for larger projects but javascript has been the familiar and fundamental language in software industries. Hence honest answer is NO, Typescript will not replace JavaScript completely as JavaScript is the core language of web development. Though both are different languages, Typescript inherits the javascript features.
The main thing, Typescript focuses more on catching errors and improving code quality. It can’t be run directly on a web browser because it requires compilation. On the other side, JavaScript can be used for client-side as well as server-side.
Why Choose the Best Remote Team for Typescript and JavaScript Development?
At Best Remote Teams, we have a dedicated team that is experienced in modern development practices and specializes in writing error-free code and seamless integration of Typescript’s advanced features. Our team follows modern development practices, including agile methodologies to create robust, scalable, and maintainable applications. Our team of developers can handle complex Typescript features, such as static typing and interfaces, and more.
No matter what the timezone is, we have access to a global talent pool who are committed to timely delivery, and effective collaboration across different time zones. Reach out to the Best Remote Teams to Hire dedicated JavaScript developers for any software development needs.
JavaScript or TypeScript- the saga continues. It is a crucial choice, depending on how you visualize your business application. If you have too many features and wish to add the latest trends, you should go with TypeScript. However, if you are planning a single-page website or web page with medium complexity, choose JavaScript. Best Remote Team supports you with strategies and resources irrespective of your tech stack choice. We have expert JavaScript and TypeScript developers. Connect with our team to Hire remote JavaScript developers or get any consultation about the project.
I'm working with Best Remote Team, which is an India-based company that provides dedicated remote developers on an hourly and monthly basis. I'm a tech enthusiast and write content to give readers the lowdown on different technologies and their related trends.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main differences between Typescript and JavaScript?
The main difference is that Typescript is an object-oriented programming language and Javascript is a prototype-based language, both are used for web development. In simple words, Typescript is an advanced version of javascript that allows one to add type annotations and check compile-time errors.
On the other side, javascript is a dynamically typed language and it does not need type definitions. Typescript is converted into simple javascript and is compatible with all the javascript environments.
Which is better for large-scale applications Typescript or JavaScript?
Typescript is a good choice for making large-scale applications because you can find errors earlier during compile-time due to its static typing. Hence it gets easy to improve and maintain code and collaborate among the large teams.
The best thing about Typescript is that it comes with added type safety, along with robust tooling and IDE support, hence you can easily manage complex codebases compared to JavaScript.
Can Typescript and JavaScript be used together in a project?
Typescript is a superset of javascript so yes you can use both together in your project. You can easily migrate existing javascript projects to Typescript projects by renaming files with a .ts extension and adding type annotations. This helps in a smooth transition from javascript to Typescript project without affecting actual javascript code.
What are the performance implications of using Typescript over JavaScript?
No, using Typescript over JavaScript does not make your code slower because Typescript is compiled into plain JavaScript before execution. But the development process might take more time due to this extra step of Typescript to javascript conversion, overall it has no bad impact on performance.